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 Capturing Mission moments with Yeshua

Whilst on mission near the border of Mozambique and Swaziland, a small group of us took to riding mountain bikes along well worn paths between distant hut clusters. 

On one occasion a local young lady stopped to chat with us. We mentioned we were believers in Jesus and we would love to pray with local people who may be in need of prayer. She spoke Portuguese and luckily one of the School students with us was proficient in the language. 

She asked us to please follow her to her dwelling place. She said two people needed  God's healing desperately. 

As we came near her home, we stopped at her request at a hut alongside the path. To our shock and horror there was an elderly lady on her hands and knees, rocking backwards and forwards, whilst foaming at her mouth 😳

The young lady told us it was her mother. She was deaf and dumb. We jumped off our bikes and slowly approached this precious lady. We sat next to her and just waited upon the Spirit of God for anointing.  Instantly l knew I had to rebuke the spirit of Deafness in Jesus name... This l did, commanding it to come out and leave her immediately. Well at the name of Jesus, she was instantly healed, instantly she turned her head and looked directly at us sitting next to her.  I then addressed the spirit of dumbness, instructing it to leave in Jesus name... to which this precious old lady sat back and sat down in a rested position. The growling stopped, the foam out her mouth stopped and she just starred at us.  Within a few minutes she was saying the name Jesu through her teeth, "oh Jesu Jesu Jesu" as she uttered, getting used to hearing her own voice... We praised and thanked Jesus for the miracle he had just performed. Over and over, we thanked him for his presence and his power. So marvelous, so incredibly amazing... All we had done was to make ourselves available... What an honour ❤️🙏🏻👍🏻

(Please consider keeping this Blog active during these cataclysmic times of mudslides, family deaths, multiple spiritual attacks, and major loss of income.  OR Nedbank, cheque, 1192643046, bcode 198765  sincerely appreciated)


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