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Showing posts from July, 1995

R2800 or else

(S7) Every day with Jesus Series off my Facebook page R2800 or else This is what happened: A number of years ago when the interest rates went through the roof we nearly lost our home. At the time of this miracle being recorded, we were informed by one of the large "friendly banks" that if we did not pay R2800 into the bond account within a day or two, we would lose our home!! So my darling and I got on our knees and prayed..."Lord Help, we trust you alone Jesus, during this time. We need R2800 today" Well, no lighting burning voices...nothing!! I sat down, opened the local paper, and after a few minutes, I noticed an ad. It said that they buy old vehicles for cash. I phoned the guy and he said he would be there in 30minutes!! Here is the miracle...I had an old rust bucket, a heap of rubbish, bakkie that hardly started, and in fact, was towed home a week or two before. ( Craig and Celeste are my witnesses) Within 30 minutes, The guy arrived w