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Chauffeur for an African Wedding, Oh what a day :-)

 (S8) Every day with Jesus series ( What a joll 😃 )

Chauffeur for an African Wedding ...Oh what a day 👍🏾😁
GOD wants your availability, not your ability. Just be present and available, you don't even have to speak. Shocking statement?? well here is the truth of what happened one day

I was asked to be the Chauffeur at an African Wedding. An African Pastor, Pastor Johannes ( whom I saw on 31.12.2020 ), whom I had done some short term missionary outreaches with, requested I use our Honda Ballard for the wedding. We agreed and on the day, a Saturday, I pitched up at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Church with the Honda glowing from all the polish, white ribbons over the front bonnet, etc.
I was told the wedding was to start at 10am. I was there at 9am, ready and waiting. I was thinking "I can do this, I can do this !!! 😁"
Well by 10am people had started gathering, but mmmm, no sign or Bride or groom, etc, so I started asking around.
Oh Boy, I found out, the bride was stuck down the valley and did not have transport up to the Church. So I set off in the Honda Ballard, down into the Molweni valley..the Honda was not high off the ground and often bellied out scraping over high ridges along the rural roads. I Found the Bride, the groom, and bridesmaids...they all bundled in!! I mean this was urgent!! late for the wedding... the guests arriving. Boy did we battle to get out of that Valley, sand roads, wash aways, etc, with wheels spinning we JUST managed to get to the Church.
After the ceremony, we headed off to the Rob Roy Hotel (now a retirement home), to get the photos done. The Honda, loaded to capacity, wedding dresses and veils blowing everywhere, hooting along the streets on the route, rah rah rah. Very very festive and joyful.
At the Hotel whilst the photo session was taking place I had this sudden fear grip me. I was the only pink O, a little scary having just come out of an indoctrinated political era (error), and to make it worse, one particular African gentleman had dagger eyes for me! eek, I could see by his posture and facial expressions this guy was not chuffed to have Mr. Pink boy hanging around, eish !!
Well, I kinda kept a little closer to my buddy, Pastor Johannes, just a little closer, ya me... a man of faith, hahaha. 😊
I was the Chauffeur, and that was that, what a privilege and nobody was going to stop me. I was on a mission to be the best I could be. We then drove to the home where the celebrations would take place. Eish, we drove deeper and deeper into the Valley, tens of kilometers passed, and getting a bit nervous I asked fairly often, " much further?" More and more KM'S !! drive drive drive, hooting hooting, rah rah rah, happy people...celebration mood...rah rah..and the little pink boy feels like a piece of confetti pink dot, hahaha, not funny at the time! Well like we have been reading, we were all in ONE ACCORD.
[ Honda ACCORD except this was a Ballard ]
The whole valley was celebrating as the wedding had taken place between two "tribes" the Mkhize family and the Gumede family, so it was a major attraction, people from every angle rushing towards the car, waving and shouting good wishes, etc
FINALLY, we arrived and the whole ceremonial thing lined up separately to the ladies...Men then went in first to make sure everything is safe dancing as we ran in. I was asked not to leave, but rather just come in for a little drink and snack...hesitantly with fear and trepidation I agreed and joined the men's dancing line!!! WOW WOW was I ever so intimidated, being the only PINK O!!

Anyway, I just jumped in and had fun, until I locked eyes with the same guy I saw at the hotel, man he had it in for me. I sensed he really disliked me, he detested me, it looked like he wanted to remove my eyes and other sensitive parts and grind them to powder. Honestly, there was something in him that clashed with the Spirit of Christ in me! I sensed hate hate hate, just from him, out of approx two hundred people, no one else gave me this vibe, only him. I tried to smile at him, just to be friendly, but it was met by deathly looking eyes. Eissh cold shivers man, this guy was bad bad news!
I was just the chauffeur! I was not asked to do anything else except smile and drive...THAT WAS IT... Thank God
Well feeling very uneasy, I said my goodbyes, etc and I dashed away at the first opportunity, jumped into the Honda and made my getaway, well it felt like that.

HERE IS THE MIRACLE: on the Monday I was sick as a dog with the flu, still in bed at home, when the home phone rang at about 9am...My wife answered and it was Pastor Ngube..."Please tell Gavin something amazing has happened...amazing amazing" A miracle had taken place...the guy whom I had feared had come to Pastor Ngube's office at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship. His words to pastor Ncube.
"Pastor, that man who drove the car at the wedding, whatever spirit is in him, I WANT THAT SPIRIT!"
He gave his life to Jesus that Monday morning two days after the wedding. I write with tears rolling down my cheeks, yeh, what a joy. How awesome is that? God used me as a testimony to win another soul. The best is that I DID NOT SAY A WORD, I was watched from a distance! Praise God, Yahoooooooooo...
I was told that it was a HUGE miracle because he was a senior member of a Radical movement, their slogan being one promoting death to minority groups. Well God changed his heart, he is no longer a racist, his hate for us PINK O's was melted away by the love of Jesus.

This story is shared for one reason only, To tell of what Jesus can do through anyone who is available. God doesn't look for your ABILITY, but rather your AVAILABILITY, What a joy! THIS STORY had to be shared so all can see what God has done. Walk with Jesus every day. WATCH AND SEE how he uses YOU

( P.S Someone told me these types of stories should only be shared in private within a home church environment !!! OH my word, CRAZY CRAZY I tell you. Why keep this great news to a confined audience? This story gives evidence of God's miracle-working power. Why keep it undercover?? )


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