Here is what happened: Taken off my facebook page
(S16) Every day with Jesus
you #LEGEND ... Memories of sharing the classroom with you at George Campbell
Who could ever forget the dream you had for the name of the band that formed in our classroom. You said Sir "I had a dream, I believe the bands' name is to be, it sounds like Kairos or something, Yes Kairos !!!" Here is the Miracle. That was the Monday, I recall, as I had been to a Sunday message at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship
(Now CityHill Church
) with Pastor Greg Haswell
He had delivered a revelational message on Kairos Moments in Life .... HOW AMAZING IS HOLY SPIRIT to bring the name of our band into your dreams, lining up with Pastor Greg's message. !!! And Kiaros was 100% right as the band served it's purpose for a short duration of time. We entered Battle of the Bands at Burn Nightclub [ for which I got duly grilled 
now at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry
USA, Matthew
...... help me with names please. I can see the other guys, but their names fail me currently. apologies Thanks Matt, apologies Duran McInnes
Byron Petersen
] Great times Buddy, #forevermemories
You and the Team were amazing
Most amazing was having Gareth De Wet 's IDENTICAL TWIN GRAN's 
and Mom at Burn Night Club with us that night 

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