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Over powering message: Get ready to stand up!   SHORT VIDEO OF TESTIMONY 

(S2) Every day with Jesus series Taken from my Facebook page

Holy Spirit urges me
"Get ready to stand"
Today being "Whitsunday" one may be tempted to ask the question "Does the Spirit of Almighty God speak to us in 2019"?

We are talking of the Spirit of the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus referred to as our Advocate, our Comforter, our helper. John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.
Charles Spurgeon once said, "Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without the wind, branches without sap, and like coals without fire, we are useless."
Adding to the series "Every day with Jesus" part 2, (prayerfully written in the public domain so as to awaken humanity to the Kingdom of the living God) here is but one of many incidences personally encountered, with my wife Celeste bearing witness on this occasion as it occurred.
Around 1990 we had been invited to Hillcrest Christian Fellowship by Judy Carney a nursing friend of Celeste's. Here is the short version of what transpired in 1994. We were sitting in our usual "anointed 🙂" left rear seating area, in the old mushroom farm building, listening to Peter Rasmussen preaching. While Peter is preaching l suddenly get heart palpitations and an overpowering message in my head.. not a voice, but a very very strong thought " GET READY TO STAND, PETER IS GOING TO CALL YOU" !! Peter will recall the kairos moment well l am sure. So now I am edgy so I whisper to my wife " l think Peter is going to make me stand" Pastor Peter Rassmussen continues with his message and the next minute just stops in his tracks and beams out loud over the PA system
"Gavin Stone where are you ?" He then said, " Stand up" I shot up, blushing pink like a Cherry blossom in full bloom.

To have experienced this blew my paradigm, it shattered me, it reinforced my solid belief in the fact that the God of the Bible, our closest friend, IS ALIVE AND REAL TODAY in our time. Peter then spoke words of encouragement over me regarding my teaching at George Campbell Technical High school in Durban. He encouraged me in front of around 500 people, to keep doing what I was doing, God is going to use it all for HIS GLORY. Peter then said l could sit down and he got back to his notes and continued his message. This was a most amazing Kairos moment for Celeste and I. When I look back at the approximate 7 years in the classroom, the fruit is very much evident. I had the sheer honor of sharing the classroom with future leaders, planet shakers, history makers, most of whom are my friends/extended family to this very day.

So my challenge to Lukewarm believers and unbelievers alike, God is real, SEEK HIM, Run to him, not from him. Read John 3:16... For God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY son, that whosoever believeth shall not perish, but will have everlasting life.. Enjoy today, 9 June 2019, DAY OF PENTECOST, ( Whitday) stay tuned... There is LOADS OF EVIDENCE to follow in the series "Every day with Jesus"


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