(S9) Every day with Jesus. (Mozambique mission)
Written publically and purposefully to hopefully WAKE THOSE UP WHO are focused on themselves and Mammon
A group of us personally witnessed short legs grow before our eyes
This is what happened:
We went on a short-term mission to Mozambique and WOW mind-blowing stuff...honest..where do I start...OK one miracle @ a time
There were about 30 of us from various churches in the Durban area. We were based just North of Maputo and each night we headed out in small groups to various churches in the area. We ended up at a tiny church with about 150 people. It was late afternoon. The local people had given us handfuls of fire-roasted Cashew nuts...my fav. Apparently, the plantations were planted by the Portuguese settlers many years before. Anyway during a time of sharing our testimonies with the people I got this clear message in my head..." wash the people's feet"...wow...hectic...ever so out of character for me ...I don't do stuff like that easily. The message was clear in my heart.... so I asked for confirmation from other members of the group and they agreed. We called for the water etc, it was a huge task as water in most areas of not close by. After a while, a young man arrived with an enamel bowl, soap, and towel. We started washing people's feet. Washing those precious people's feet brought tears to our eyes. Some of those old people didn't know about shoes. Their soles were thick like rubber Matt's, cracked and dirty. After some time we made, via our interpreter, a call for the sick to make a prayer line for healing. It seemed like the entire crowd wanted prayer. A longline of Spiritually hungry people formed and inched forward. Well, we personally witnessed short legs grow at the name of Jesus. One by one we sat these old ladies down on a chair, with their backs firming up against the back support. When I picked the first lady's legs up and held her well-worn feet in my hands, I could see a definite two inches or so of shortness in the one leg. As we prayed together, and as I was holding her feet ...I closed my eyes...I was just being sincere. As I had my eyes closed...my friend Mark Milton was hitting me on the left shoulder. "Gav...Gav open your eyes, the leg is moving!!!"

Well, when I did open my eyes...her heels were level...the leg had grown...Jesus had performed yet another miracle right before our eyes.
Well directly after that lady two more ladies were healed that early evening...ONLY THIS TIME... I kept my eyes wide opened and witnessed the supernatural healing power of God...I watched and felt the short leg push across my hands as Holy Spirit caused the healing!!! To add to these miracles God had done, the night before I had personally held the video camera and filmed a man's leg as it grew! GOD IS THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER... I caught it on video. If you want to see the DVD contact me, I will fish it out.
Many more miracles to share proving Jesus is who he said he is. ...keep tuned in to this series..
Bottom line...Give your life to Jesus...make sure you know where you will spend eternity...NO JOKE FRIENDS...the spiritual realm around us...unseen BUT ITS4REAL!! Are YOU ready? To God be the glory. S10 to follow soon. These miracles of Jesus must be shared to the Nation of Facebook 

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