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LANDLORD Demands payment

here is what is happening

2020 (S14) Every day with Jesus

WHAT AN AMAZING AWESOME MIND-BLOWING DAY πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ best was when an agnostic mentioned to me his business is battling, no orders coming in. So he prayed asking God "please help me".. not long after he prayed he got a call from a local Church who have never ordered from him before. They place a HUGE order with him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ How awesome is that... I told him "Bro, Daddy loves YOU like crazy, spend some time with Dad, he will show you where to "fish" to advertise" His reply was "hey, maybe there is something in this Jesus stuff you been tuning me about all these years" l know he is now an EX AGNOSTIC... #Godisfaithful ❀️ John 3:16 John 3:3

[ with an incredible twist in the tale :-) ]

2021 UPDATE - Recently a friend and I had breakfast there. Testimony gets even more AMAZING. We heard about the negative effects of the lockdown, and the nasty LandLord who demanded full rental despite no business for months. BUT GOD stepped in. A client having a meal there happened to be there at the exact right time to overhear that the restaurant was due to close as they could not find the rental required by the LandLord. The client stepped into the situation. Instead of giving his tithe or donation to his usual recipient, he chose to give well over 20 grand to save the restaurant. GOD STILL ANSWERING PRAYER


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