Here is what happened:
During my National Service days I was involved in a bad car accident when a vehicle smashed into the back of my car at a robot in Durban. I was stationary and the driver of the other car, apparently high on cocaine, did not see me and hit me at a good 80km per hour. As a result of that accident, and other small incidents, I ended up having two major spine ops. I spent the best part of 5 months at a local Hospital. During this time I picked up Meningitis and nearly died
So there I am, 21 yrs old, enjoying life, getting focused, ready for a career in Engineering and then suddenly all this. My wife of today was my high school sweetheart back then. Lying there in that hospital bed, no feeling or use of my legs I encouraged her to leave me and find someone else. She would have no part in this and stuck in with me during the worst time of my life. She lived the horror story with me, never leaving me for one moment. That was a good thirty six years ago. We dated for 7 years and have been married for 32 years.
praise God for her and for her love for me, she deserves a medal for what
she went through.
One morning, around 4am, I thought it was my last moments. With Meningitis, and the pain after two spine ops, no use of my legs, I was crying as I just lay there thinking why why why, what did I do to deserve this? Feeling as if I was about to die, I grabbed a Gideon Bible off the counter next to my bed and clutching it to my chest I cried out aloud "God of this Book if you are real, I ask that you please heal me, If you heal me, I will tell of your miracle-working power to the entire world, I will give my life to you and tell people about you"
condition was hopeless, I had absolutely no feeling in my legs. I could not
walk since the two spine ops.
BUT, within days of having prayed that prayer, feelings started coming back into my legs. From being two numb stumps to getting gradual feelings in my feet. It was so bad that when my mom and dad came to visit they would push my legs up and put sandbags at my feet to stop my legs from slipping back down. They would tilt my knees towards each other so as to stop my legs from flopping outwards. My legs were nonexistent, I could not feel or move them.
After a few weeks I was being assisted in a wheelchair to the exercise area, where there were parallel bars. I was assisted to the bars where I would pick myself up with my arms and then attempt to make these two stumps obey my thoughts. Move left leg! I said MOVE!!! ok now, right leg MOVE! many times, nothing no response. The Physio would slap my muscles on my legs to assist in the messages getting to the right muscles.
Long story short, today I am healed. I walk with a limp and the old legs are a bit wobbly but I am good. I get around. When I go to a braai or a function if people see me with a beer, they think, oh wow look at him, drunk as a skunk already! ha haha.
from the waist down...then healed
The bottom line is this, Jesus Christ of Nazareth healed me, I am alive and well, built my own house, completed my apprenticeship as a Millwright, completed my Diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Graduated from The University of Natal Durban as a teacher and I am thirty-two years happily married with two gifted daughters. I never thought I would see these days, but because of God's healing power, I was healed and now am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
My sincere advice to all reading this blog post is this, Turn to Jesus, He is alive and well and still healing today as he did more than 2000 yrs ago.