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Every day with Jesus (S3) from my Facebook Wall
Short version
In the midst of selling my Toyota Prado 3L D4D. l had placed a holding deposit on a more suitable vehicle for our folks, l found myself totally stressed out as the deposit could only hold the RAV4 for a few days!
About 5 people showed interest in the Prado. They came and test drove it etc but then had finance issues and other excuses why they could not take it. I had placed myself in this situation, having faith that the Prado would sell fast and the RAV4 would be mine... I was fairly stressed, to say the least, and continued to pray my guts out that things would just happen as envisaged. I was standing on Psalm 37 vs 4 that basically states that God will give you the desires of your heart as you delight yourself in him. Saturday came and went, people, phoned enquiring about the Prado but NOTHING!
Sunday Celeste and I are at Westpoint Church in Kloof ( ) excited to hear from God. There was a guest speaker by the name of James Lennox. James is from the Midlands and is gifted in the prophetic realm. After AMAZING praise and worship, James settles into his dynamic message. The anointing presence of Almighty God is very present as James is delivering the message God had placed on his heart for us all at Westpoint that morning. Well, the next minute Celeste and I nearly fall off our chairs as James pauses and utters these words. "God is interested in your everyday life, he knows the troubles you are experiencing. You might be stressed right now worrying about things! It might be this or that, God says DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT TOYOTA RAV4 !!! We sat there gobsmacked. Did he just say that ??? DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT TOYOTA RAV4 !!! I nudged Celeste to confirm she had heard what l had heard. I was not daydreaming.
Now, this is a preacher l have never met, we have no dealing with each other, we not connected on any platform whatsoever. I approached James afterward and told him my scenario. I told him he spoke straight into my stressed situation worrying about how l will get the RAV 4. James said that part of his message was not in his notes, he hesitated to actually say it but realized it was the Holy Spirit giving him the words, so he just spoke out. We are now linked to social media.
Here is the miracle, on Monday a person asked to test the Prado. Celeste and l met the gentleman at NPN Garage, Wimpy. We went for a test drive, he stuck out his hand to shake on agreement ..DONE DEAL ... Back at NPN Wimpy, we signed a deed of sale and he instantly paid into my account... He took the vehicle right there.. BOOM !!! Within 10 minutes of him driving away, l paid cash for the RAV4. How great is the God of the Universe, Creator God, intimately involved in our day to day affairs, minute by minute walking with us as Helper, comforter, and Advocate. All these testimonies are being recorded here for one purpose only...
To make unbelievers BACKSLIDE 😊✔

(Please consider keeping this Blog active during these cataclysmic times of mudslides, family deaths, multiple spiritual attacks, and major loss of income.   sincerely appreciated)


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