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My (dvd type) dream about Hell

Here is what happened:

(S13) Every day walk with Jesus (taken from my Facebook page)
Dream about Hell
(27th May 1998)
The dream went as follows:
I Believe that I found myself on the very edge of Hell itself. It was dark, there were numerous people moving around and many were lying down, moaning. The ones lying down seemed dead yet they were writhing in pain. They were twisting around, making contortion type movements. The place was very dark, and portions of people's faces could be seen. The people moving around seemed to be like Robots as they just carried out one particular task. They were taking these people who were writhing on the ground and strapping them to what seemed like a slate of some type and then letting them go down a slope nearby. This slope seemed to go off into a fiery glow. The odd burst of light was what shone for brief moments and lit the area up around me. The people on the ground were my main concern. I did not recognize anybody, thank God for that. l was FREAKED RIGHT OUT !!!! as this dream was so so real in DVD Colour quality. They seemed to be screaming and trying to stop themselves from being strapped to the slates. They were in great pain as I remember some of them having open flesh wounds and skin burns. As l looked, l observed what seemed to be, worms under their skin and it seemed that the pain was unbearable but it could not be stopped because they were already dead! It was a heart-wrenching sight I wanted to help but could not. It seemed as if they could not talk or hear me. I seemed to be staying here in this place way too long and out of desperation I tried talking to a body lying on the dusty floor next to me. I found myself shouting at this body. There was no response, the body seemed to be more of a corpse than anything else.
The more I tried to get an answer and ask how to get out, the more I was ignored. No response, nobody cared about me, I could not bear it a moment longer. I found myself clinging to this corpse, I was shaking it and shouting for assistance. Its skin was thin and almost tore off due to my frantic shaking to get attention. The eyes were closed but it was alive !!
I came out of this terrible terrible horrific dream as I cried out with all my being “JESUS !! ”. At that very instant I found myself awake in bed with my darling wife, Celeste, standing next to me. My thrashing around had awoken her. She got out and came across to my side of the bed. I was sweating profusely, temperature right up. As I lay there shaking thinking back into the dream, tears rolled down my cheeks. I told my wife that I had just had a wrestle with hell and she held my hand offering to pray with me.
If this was the entrance to Hell, I URGE EACH OF YOU reading, make sure you are right with your maker.
When your heart stops beating you step straight into the unseen world around us. Jesus either knows us because of the Holy Spirit in us or we miss it! Jesus said unless a person is born again they shall not see the Kingdom of God.
Whoever you are, make sure you are born-again by the Holy Spirit! Catch my urgency?
Make sure you have the same Spirit living in you that raised Jesus from the dead. Jumping out of an Aeroplane without a parachute is the same as dying without accepting Jesus into your heart.
Get into a Bible-based, Spirit-filled Church URGENTLY. Be careful of religious Churches. If you are not sure of a good Bible-based church in your area, Pvt message. Don't’ play games friend. Reply Privately if this letter touched your heart, or perhaps you want to have either of us pray with you. When you have given your life to Jesus, tell someone about it.

God Bless 

See for many afterlife or near-death experiences


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